Pictures of Port Morseby in WWII
Papua New Guinea
Army Signal Corps photos of Port Morseby in the Pacific during WWII.
From the personal scrapbooks of Lt. Colonel O. Howard
Davidsmeyer, Sr.
General MacArthur's B-17 "Bataan" at 17 Mile Strip
Three B-17s at 17 Mile Strip - Moresby, Papua New Guinea
"Schwimmer 17-Mile Aerodrome" was a base used for
fighter and medium bombers during WWII.
Papua Hotel, I believe this was in Port Morseby.
Staff car and several jeeps in foreground.
Port Morseby from the air, taken October 12, 1942.
Signal Corps photo, Unit D8, 41st Division
Swimming in Port Morseby (O.H. Davidsmeyer on right)