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Pictures of Signal Corps
WWII Communications Equipment

These photos of Communications Equipment used in the Pacific by the Signal Corps are from the scrapbooks of Lt. Colonel O. Howard Davidsmeyer, Sr. Any assistance you could provide in helping identify these pictures would be appreciated. Send email to "combatTV" -at- jodavidsmeyer.com or leave comments on the Forum.

Picture of WWII telecommunications equipment

WWII pacific radio station WHIZ featuring Moore - Bell - Kesler
WWII Pacific Radio Station WHIZ with Moore - Bell - Kesler

Telephone poles and phone lines as installed by Army Signal Corps in the Pacific

Rhombic transmitting antenna WWII 1943
October 13, 1943
Rhombic transmitting antenna termination (Type D) at the GHQ Radio Section, Port Moresby, New Guinea (9S-147E) Photographer Ovid Di Fiore

 picture of WWII telephone poles and wires
(click on image above to view larger picture)

When O. Howard Davidsmeyer first came to Australia to set up communications for MacArthur, he was assigned an Australian crew to work with him. As an telecommunications engineer for Western Electric, he knew how to bring a modern communications system to the islands, but his crew disagreed. They told him what he was doing wouldn't work. The telepoles would come down because the "The 'roos will jump through the wires and the ants will eat the poles." They were right, the kangaroos got tangled in the wires and the appetite of the ants devastated the poles. New ways to string wire had to be invented as they went along.

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Cable spinner of the 99th

horizontal rule

Generators used in WWWII Communications:
(click on image to view larger picture)

 generator pictures - WWII

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Buckeye generator picture


Pacific island switchboard pictures